Scottish Heart Health Extended Cohort (SHHEC)
SHHEC is a large representative cohort of men and women recruited across Scotland in 1984-1987 reinforced with repeated random samples from north Glasgow in 1989, 1992 and 1995. An extensive panel of risk factors was measured and recorded at recruitment and, with permission, participants were followed for mortality and inpatient morbidity up to the end of 2005 (used for ASSIGN) and to the end of 2009 (to be used for forthcoming ASSIGN 2). For additional information see an earlier paper from 1997 in the BMJ which secured a national epidemiology award for the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit in Dundee whose project it was, and the two recent Heart papers, (Publications: Comparison of the prediction by 27 factors, By neglecting deprivation, Adding social deprivation and family history to cardiovascular risk assessment, Appendix to Heart paper, SIGN Guideline 97).