Family History
For ASSIGN a positive 'Family history' is coronary heart disease or stroke in a parent or sibling below age 60 years OR other strong evidence of family or ethnic susceptibility, such as several close relatives affected when young. Medical records may not be sufficiently specific but a suggestive history should be recorded as YES. A missing history should be recorded as NO unless the patient is thought to belong to a susceptible ethnic group where a missing history (that is not negative but missing) should be coded as positive. If the information is missing but the patient is accessible to answer questions they should follow those described in the ASSIGN paper web-only appendix.
'Family History' is 'Yes' if any of following responses are given:
Question | Qualifying Response |
Have either of your parents developed heart disease or stroke before the age of 60? | Yes |
Have any of your brothers or sisters developed heart disease or stroke before the age of 60? | Yes |
Do you know that any of your grandparents, your aunts or uncles or your first cousins (their children) developed heart disease or stroke below age 60? If yes, how many? | Two or more in total |
Questions are targeted at manifestations of atheromatous disease. Specific information may be missing but judgement may be used whether a very premature death from heart disease in a relative may have been congenital or non-atheromatous, for example rheumatic heart disease.