ASSIGN Score – prioritising prevention of cardiovascular disease


The authors and sponsors of the ASSIGN cardiovascular score disclaim responsibility for misuse or abuse in clinical practice. It should be used as a guide to anticipatory preventive treatment in identifying patients apparently at high risk.

Data entered should be checked for plausibility and observations repeated in the event of any doubt. There is no warranty that any patient for whom the ASSIGN score is calculated either will, or will not, develop cardiovascular disease within ten years, as both outcomes are possible with any single score. The score is concerned with probabilities, using available information and not certainties (which is why the phrase risk estimation or risk assessment is preferable to risk prediction). The score should be used within the context of SIGN guideline 97, or similar documents on management of cardiovascular risk.

Estimate the risk

Estimate the risk of developing cardiovascular disease over ten years using the ASSIGN score, by entering personal details and clicking on calculate.

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