ASSIGN Score – prioritising prevention of cardiovascular disease

ASSIGN for professionals

You are encouraged to look at the For Beginners section as well, as it answers some FAQs which are not dealt with below. There are also ‘notes’ and ‘further info’ linked to the webpages entitled ‘Estimate the risk’


ASSIGN is a cardiovascular risk score. The score was developed to prioritise the prevention of cardiovascular disease in those currently free of it by identifying those...

Development of the ASSIGN score

The ASSIGN score was developed in the summer of 2006 by Professor Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe and Professor Mark Woodward based at the University of Dundee, Scotland, working with the SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) group on cardiovascular...

Funding & Sponsorship

The ASSIGN score was developed in consultation with, and under the aegis of the Scottish Intercollegiate...

Scottish Heart Health Extended Cohort (SHHEC)

SHHEC is a large representative cohort of men and women recruited across Scotland in 1984-1987 reinforced with repeated random samples from north...

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)

This is an internationally respected Scottish national body. It has developed and published, revised, republished (and in some cases withdrawn) numerous...

Estimate the risk

Estimate the risk of developing cardiovascular disease over ten years using the ASSIGN score, by entering personal details and clicking on calculate.

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